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- What is the different between the Fat Burner and Gut Buster?
What is the difference between the Cool Fat Burner & Cool Gut Buster?
The Cool Fat Burner is the top vest and covers the brown fat zones and directly cools a number of major blood vessels in the chest, shoulders, and neck. The Cool Gut Buster covers the stomach and love handles, may be used in fat freezing cryolipolysis (coolsculpting) spot reduction of the stomach, and makes inducing cold thermogenesis easier.
A CFB comes with a set of packs (4 packs per set), while the Gut Buster comes with two sets (8 total packs). Each size and combo comes with enough packs to fill all pockets.
One should wear both simultaneously for maximum calorie burning. The super combo has an in-built 25% discount when you order both together.
- What are “Soft” and “Hybrid” packs?
Our cold packs are the best around! Our proprietary trade-secret design allows our packs to be the coldest commercial packs and to maintain significant cold longer than all others. The Cool Fat Burner comes with one set (4 packs) while the Gut Buster comes with a twp sets (8 packs). You can choose either Soft or Hybrid packs.
We offer 2 types of cold packs:
The Soft packs (blue) become malleable around 10 minutes. This allows them to conform to the body sooner.
The Soft packs should last 2-3 hours, depending on body temp, room temp, etc.
The Hybrid packs (white) freeze solid and last 3-4 hours.If you’re unsure which type of pack you’d prefer, considering getting a mix of both Soft and Hybrid in your order.
“Coolsculpting” spot-reduction: Our Hybrid packs have been shown able to maintain skin temps between 32-41’F which is the target zone for “coolsculpting” to induce fat cell apoptosis – the spot-reduction of fat cells – “freezing away fat.” One should always wear a shirt under their vests. Women should keep this in mind and choose Soft packs for the CFB, or if using Hybrids, wear an extra layer of clothes underneath the vest (So as not to accidentally spot-reduce breast fat; the Soft packs, especially over a shirt, should be fine. Hybrids may be too cold.)
Strategies for using the Gut Buster for stomach fat spot-reduction are provided for educational purposed only, exclusive access for customers on www.CoolFatBurnerGuides.com
- Is this safe?
If used as directed, the Cool Fat Burner and Cool Gut Buster are completely safe! However, you should still consult with your physician before using, just to be safe.
Note certain conditions require caution if engaging in cold thermogenesis…
a Cool Fat Burner customer emailed, saying he used the CFB, over top a shirt, for only 30 minutes… and nearly passed out!
Upon further questioning, it was discovered the customer’s mother was diabetic, that the customer had a fatty liver, and was 100lbs overweight.
Simply put, the customer had poor insulin sensitivity, was pre-diabetic… and the Cool Fat Burner caused a massive burning up of blood glucose, pulling it into brown fat and/or muscle tissue!
This proves the Cool Fat Burner works! But he wasn’t used to burning up all that energy so quickly! This is why cold thermogenesis is being explored as a potential aid to diabetes, and we frequently get doctors recommending the CFB to their diabetic patients.
If you’re diabetic or have similar disorders, you should talk to your doctor before using the Cool Fat Burner or Cool Gut Buster. (Our vests are being studied at Mount Sinai for their potential in helping with diabetes!)
Also keep in mind anyone can get cryoburn. Darker complexion users are especially prone to sub-dermal bruising, because when one removes the devices, blood can rush to the skin.
- What if something is damaged or breaks?
We replace all damaged goods for at least 1 year! So if something tears, let us know, we’ll get you a new replacement ASAP.
Risk-free, give it a try!
- Can I use the packs for other things?
Our packs are so effective we’ve had people order them for medical therapeutic applications, to sit their laptops on to keep them cool, and to use in their coolers!!!
Our cold packs alone are worth the price – this is a HUGE BARGAIN!
Here is a real user’s forum comments about our cold packs:
“I’m also using the cold packs separately for spot-CT. They’re worth buying the vest just to get them. So overall, two thumbs up. I’ll be using in ways indicated and ways not directed as long the packs last.”
— user “Cuivie,” Kruse CT forumThere was also an engineer working for the auto-industry who bought our vests and performed his own experiment on our packs using actual lab equipment — and our Hybrid packs were colder than the ice block comparison! - What about the money-back guarantee, replacement parts, and so on?
We offer a no-questions-asked, 110% 60-day money back guarantee.*
We also replace any damaged or defective parts for up to 1 year after purchase!
This is literally a no-risk investment!
*Please see the “Disclaimer & Return Policy” at the bottom of every page of the site for more details.
- Why aren’t people who live in colder climates thinner?
Because they dress warmly when they go outside? They may also eat more, to compensate for the increased calorie burn.
Also, colder climates typically receive less sunlight, less sunlight can effect mood, which can effect appetite, motivation to workout, etc.
Social factors could be at play; warmer weather is “beach weather,” people may try to look thinner knowing they can’t hide in winter clothing.
- If I burn off my Brown Fat, will the Cool Fat Burner still work?
You actually increase brown fat from using the Cool Fat Burner — it doesn’t “burn off.”
BAT (brown fat) turns on and burns your white fat, the fat on your stomach, hips, and so on. If anything, as you get slimmer, exercise, and continue to use the Cool Fat Burner, you will actually gain more brown fat.
Remember, brown fat is embryologically related to muscle tissue; it’s closer to muscle than fat. You don’t burn it off, like regular white fat.
- How can you guarantee this will work?
We can guarantee the Cool Fat Burner and Gool Gut Buster, when used properly, will increase calorie burning. It’s easy – we’ve already shown these effects in the lab and been published in peer reviewed journals as a result. Only the Cool Fat Burner has done this.
- What if I’m not the type of person who has lots of ‘Brown Fat?’
Cold thermogenesis can work by many mechanisms beyond brown fat activation, such as skeletal muscle uncoupling and hormonal changes.
In addition, the Cool Fat Burner can help you grow and increase brown fat, even if you start with none!
Look at how CFB creator Eric was built before he used the Cool Fat Burner. Look at how much brown fat he had after using the CFB and getting fit (massive amounts, despite being 40 yrs old). Look at how Eric maintained maximal BAT levels, even through the hot summer weather! With the Cool Fat Burner you can grow more BAT.
- What about cold showers, ice baths, or regular cold packs?
On their own, cold showers are not long enough to be that effective.
How long are you going to take a cold shower? For 10 minutes, at most? How much real-world metabolic and body composition changes do you really think that will induce?
Don’t believe us? Ok, you take your 10 minute cold shower every day of the week. We’ll wear the Cool Fat Burner for an average session time of 60 minutes (easy to do, since we’ll be watching TV or goofing off around the house while we do it), for only 3-5 days a week.
At the end, let’s compare total calories burned, changes in blood glucose levels, changes in adiponectin, changes in irisin, and everything else we’ve shown the CFB capable of doing.
We already know what the Cool Fat Burner can do. How do you think a 10 minute cold shower will compare?
Cold showers are a nice adjunct to the Cool Fat Burner. You can use them as a cool down, or perhaps after the session, as the proverbial icing on the cake. But on their own, they’re simply too brief, and probably not intense enough, to make a real-world noticeable effect. Besides, most people feel cold showers are a miserable experience!
As for ice baths, yes they can be very effective for cold thermogenesis!
How long do you think you’ll keep that up?
And while you’re sitting in agony in the ice bath, think of us leisurely watching TV while we wear the CFB and get the same results!
As for rigging up your own “Do It Yourself” vest and cold packs, is that practical? How valuable is your time?
First you’ll need 2-3 times as many ‘regular’ commercial brand gel packs to get the same surface area and time-length as our packs. You’re already spending more than the CFB.
Here is a real user’s forum comments about our cold packs:
“I used it today and had it on almost 3 hours. I pretty much watch a marathon of Law & Order SVU and forgot about it. What I find amazing is that after 3 hours the pack were still FRIGGING COLD!! I mean still too cold to hold in the hand for more than a minute. I also like the vest. It keeps the packs where they need to be.”
— user “Wonder Woman,” Kruse CT forumAlso note, our packs, though not formally endorsed for this use, can maintain skin temps cold enough and long enough to induce spot-reduction of stomach fat.
The CFB and Gut Buster vests are made explicitly to target brown fat zones, target the stomach area, and create general cold stress to the trunk. Will a jury rigged, duck taped, stitched up sweat-pants-scraps garment that falls apart in 2 weeks compare?
- Why don’t I just workout or eat less instead?
Who says you can’t keep doing that?
But since the Cool Fat Burner allows you to burn hundreds of extra calories while you lounge around the house… it makes it an excellent tool to strategically replace or augment dieting and exercise.
- Won’t I just get hungrier, and eat back the calories I burned off?
This is another inaccurate claim, usually made by those who have never even done cold thermogenesis.
At most, appetite may increase during the first days or so… then it should normalize and return to normal. (It’s the same as if you just start exercising after a layoff — you sometimes feel hungrier than normal for those first few days.)
Regardless, the solution is simple: the increased appetite only occurs during the time after a session. Already have your post-CFB meal planned; a high protein, high fiber, low carb, low fat meal. It will fill you up, maintain protein synthesis, yet will add minimal calories.
Besides, if you use the Cool Fat Burner like in the “How I Eat Junk Food” video, or in the Body Recomp experiment, you won’t get hungry at all – you’ll be totally satiated from the huge carb junk food meal before using the Cool Fat Burner.
- What about exercise recovery, sleep aid, and junk food?
To help with exercise recovery, use the Cool Fat Burner at higher intensities, up to several hours after exercise, possibly following a cool shower.
NOTE: The effectiveness of cold therapy for exercise recovery may vary depending on the person and the exercise involved.
Cold thermogenesis can also be very helpful aid in getting to sleep, and having a deeper sleep. In this case, use the Cool Fat Burner, a few hours before bed-time.
You can also use the CFB in the morning, to help ‘reset’ circadian disturbance. Do a session in a brightly lit room, and it may really help to get to sleep that night.
One can use cold thermogenesis after binging during “cheat days,” after they’ve eaten junk food, to burn off the extra calories and help push them into muscle and BAT, instead of being stored as fat.
The usual way is to eat junk food within 30min after exercise, then use the Cool Fat Burner at moderate-and-above intensity levels 1-2 hrs after that. - What about time and intensity levels?
One can mix and match times and intensities to meet their own goals.
Check out the Science page to see about the various intensities and effects on fat burning, muscle building, hormonal rebalance, and so on.Cool Fat Burner and Cool Gut Buster owners will have free, exclusive access to “CoolFatBurnerGuides.com,” which will have simple basic startup information, as well as the most advanced tricks, hacks, and strategies on Earth, combining diet, exercise, and cold thermogenesis in ways never before seen to bring out the best transformation possible. (see “How I Burn 2500 Calories In One Day” for the type of info you’ll have access to)
- How do I use the Cool Fat Burner?
Customers get exclusive access to CoolFatBurnerGuides.com
Generally speaking, the most important variables are time and intensity.
A good “starter” routine could be:
- 30min wearing the Cool Fat Burner & Cool Gut Buster
- 4-7 days a week
- for 1-2 weeks
- Gauge personal response, then slowly increase session time, while also decreasing the layers of clothing underneath the vests, so as to increase the cold stimulus
Also consider supporting factors in cold thermogenesis:
Pre-session temperature
Do not start your session over-heated. Some even take cool showers to jump-start their Cool Fat Burner session.
Wear shorts (and bra/sports bra for women)
During higher intensity sessions, many also wear socks and gloves.Room Temp
Wear the Cool Fat Burner in a room 70 degrees or less. To get an even bigger effect and burn even more calories, set the temp lower during the session.
The Cool Fat Burner
Start with 30 minutes sessions. Get your doctor’s permission before moving up to hours-long sessions and higher intensities.
NOTE: the Cool Gut Buster will lesson or remove the need for these supporting factors. Some users have been able to induce all the way to High (shivering) intensity using both the Fat Burner and Gut Buster… even in an 80’F room! Be cautious when first using either the Cool Fat Burner and/or Cool Gut Buster. Please review the disclaimer at the bottom of every page of this site.
- How do I wear it?
The Cool Fat Burner will cover your BAT zones as well as a large surface area of the trunk, and the major vessels around the neck and chest. You can first drape it over your shoulders, then add straps for compression as you desire. Once the packs soften, you can cross the chest panels across the sternum, for longer sessions.
The Cool Gut Buster can be worn by itself, or simultaneously with the Cool Fat Burner. Our specialized “Hybrid” cold-packs can be placed strategically around your mid-section, to help increase the thermal load, achieve a deeper state of cold-thermogenesis, and possibly induce “fat cell apoptosis,” the direct spot reduction and removal of belly fat.
You can freeze the entire Cool Fat Burner and Cool Gut Buster, or you can remove and freeze the individual cold-packs. They are designed to hold peak cold for a good 2-3 hours!
Related study: cold packs transfer heat/cold better than regular gel-packs.
- But I hate the cold! Won’t this be uncomfortable?
No, and here are several reasons why:
First, you’re not out in the cold, you’re not in a snow storm, you’re not in an ice bath. You’re cooling only your trunk and BAT zones. Your memories of being cold in nature are not accurate to what you experience with the CFB.
Second principle: “fingers, toes, ear, & nose.” Those areas have the most sensory nerves for cold. When they’re cold, you feel cold. When they’re warm…you feel warm.
A person wearing a thick warm coat… but with their hands and feet and head in ice water, will feel cold. Someone using the Cool Fat Burner… but keeping their fingers, toes, ears, and nose warm, will actually feel warmer than usual!
Have you ever been hot while sleeping, then stick your feet out from the covers? It cooled you off, didn’t it? Same principle, in reverse.
Third, wearing the Cool Fat Burner allows you total freedom to occupy yourself with whatever you want to do! Watch TV, play on the computer, whatever. Your mind is on what you’re doing, not on the cold.
Forth, you eventually become “cold adapted” your body will generate massive heat, and you might even start to crave the experience of cold thermogenesis!
“This is surprisingly soothing!” “It’s really relaxing!” “I enjoy wearing it. I often look forward to it.”
– common feedback from customersUse it while you lounge around the house.
This common misperception about the Cool Fat Burner is probably why –unbelievable when one considers all the benefits — why no one ever invented this before now.
- Is this like those “ab belts?”
No. Those don’t burn fat.
They shock and spasm the muscles under the device.
Any “before and after” testimonials you see in all those types of infomercials, the primary reason those people lost weight was due to dietary changes, not the ab-belt device; and frequently due to being “specially motivated” to lose weight for the infomercial, like free trips, monetary incentives, etc.
No, the Cool Fat Burner helps to activate “brown fat,” increase adiponectin levels, re-balance hormones, and create a thermal load, all of which is proven to burn calories and fat, help build muscle, and works independent of diet and exercise.
- Can this burn fat from my stomach or butt?
Maybe. This is complicated.
First off, you cannot directly burn fat from targeted areas of your body through diet or exercise. Your body loses fat in a pre-determined order, based on genetics, age, gender, and hormone profile. In other words, doing crunches will not burn fat around your abs, doing curls will not burn fat on your arms, etc.
For most males, one of the last areas to burn fat is the lower abs. For women it can be the upper thighs or hips. It’s a survival mechanism.
However, it is possible to freeze away and spot reduce your stomach fat. The Cool Gut Buster can induce the conditions for fat cell apoptosis and spot reduction.
However, the Cool Gut Buster is not intended or recommended for that purpose, as this may leave one susceptible to cryoburn on the stomach. Darker complexion users are prone to bruising of the skin.
- Is this finally the “magic bullet” for weight loss?
In some ways, yes it is! It actually is a “magic bullet,” relatively speaking. It is a “get something for nothing” solution. That sounds crazy, doesn’t it? But we’ve proven it true.
You can potentially burn calories and fat and help build muscle while you sit on your butt…
You can help recover from workouts faster, you can refuel your muscles for the next workout… all of this the Cool Fat Burner can help you with.
But will it work if you don’t use it? Will it work if you wear it for 5 minutes? Of course not!
Guess what else is true?
- If you eat a healthy breakfast, then binge the rest of the day …nothing will change
- If you workout, then skip exercise for the rest of the week …nothing will change
- If you get the Cool Fat Burner, and leave it in the box …nothing will change!
If you use the Cool Fat Burner properly, you’re already getting calorie and fat-burning and muscle building with no effort.
It gets no easier than this! You’re not actually doing anything! No sacrifice, no effort.
- This sounds too good to be true! All these benefits, while I “lounge around the house?”
Everything on this site is backed by science, 3rd party experiments, and/or real-life experience. Yes, you can literally burn THOUSANDS of calories while “lounging around the house” with the proper use of cold thermogenesis. The Cool Fat Burner has proven now, several times over in the lab, in groundbreaking, never-before-done experiments, that it can do just that.
Right now, the big drug companies are scrambling to make a pill to activate brown fat, to boost adiponectin, and so on. You don’t have to wait for their pills.
- How much weight will I lose?
It’s best not to focus on “weight loss” but instead focus on fat loss.
Did you know that when most people “lose weight,” all they’re really losing is water weight, or even worse, muscle?!? Yes, up to ½ of the “weight” people lose, can be muscle loss!
This is a poor “solution” to being overweight.
The Cool Fat Burner is not a trick or gimmick, and it doesn’t work that way. It doesn’t trick you into losing water weight. It’s not like certain low carb diets that make you drop water, or exercise routines that temporarily dehydrate you. Did you know that running a marathon doesn’t even burn a single pound of fat? How much fat do you think people are burning doing an exercise routine?
In both those cases, as soon as you eat carbs or rehydrate… you’ll gain all that “weight” back.
The Cool Fat Burner does not work that way.
Losing fat – not water weight, but fat – is generally a slow, consistent process.
The Cool Fat Burner burns fat. At higher intensities, it can also deplete glycogen, similar to high intensity exercise.
We’ve already shown that the Cool Fat Burner can boost metabolism to incredible degrees, increase insulin sensitivity, increase adiponectin levels, raise RMR, and a whole slew of supporting effects, all of which enhance fat burning!
Ultimately, how much fat you lose depends on you.
How much fat (and muscle) are you starting with? How about insulin sensitivity and hormone status? How old are you? Are you going to do anything with your diet? How about exercise?
What intensity will your sessions be? How long? How many days a week?
It can be a bit complicated and allows for huge individual variance, depending on you, your goals, and what you bring to the table.
Keep in mind the generic definition: 1lb of fat = 3500 calories. That’s 500 cals/day, for 7 days/week, to burn off 1lb of fat. (note: some days you can burn more, others less – see the Body Recomp experiment – Eric G. losing over 1/2 lb of fat – 1750 calories — in a single day!)
The Cool Fat Burner has already shown in the lab it can burn those 500 calories in a couple hours, tops. That’s independent of diet and exercise.
What’s more, if your RMR goes up… so will your passive fat burning, even on days you don’t wear the CFB or exercise. This is one of the reasons Eric G. can eat absurd amounts of food, yet stay ripped.
You can see on the Customer Feedback page, some people can lose a lot of fat, and fast!
Also keep in mind the volume difference between muscle and fat. Losing even just a few pounds of fat from your stomach could make the visual difference between looking soft, and having six pack abs.
- Why haven’t I heard of this before?
Several reasons… First, it’s new. Both the Cool Fat Burner, and the concept of cold thermogenesis, is new to most people. Even many health and fitness “experts” are just finding out about it. We’re at the beginning of a revolution.
Second, it’s counter-intuitive. Most people think you have to be ‘hot and sweaty’ to be burning calories. Sweating itself doesn’t burn any calories; that’s merely your body’s response to being hot. Any weight lost solely from sweating was merely water-weight, and you’ll gain it back as soon as you re-hydrate.
Third, many people have heard of brown fat and cold stress. The NY Times bestselling book “The 4-Hour Body” talks about triggering BAT to boost the metabolism and increase weight loss.
It’s even been mentioned on the Dr Oz show.
We suspect in the very near future, everyone interested in health, fitness, weight-loss, and athletic performance will know about thermal loading… and the Cool Fat Burner. The smart ones will be using it.