Customer Reviews
Spontaneous Customer Feedback…
Here you can see some unsolicited personal correspondence — mostly screengrabs from emails — from real customers who reached out to give their feedback.
These customers were not incentivized in any way.
We continue to receive these types of responses weekly, often from customers ready for their free vest downsizing due to weight loss — far too many to list on a webpage.
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- "After 3 weeks I weighed myself and I lost 12 pounds"
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- "I have lost 70lbs since may, and I need a much smaller size."
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- "So far I've lost 15lbs since I using it"
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- "blood glucose goes down every time...what miracle is happening here?"
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- "I burn 700-800 calories as result of 2 hrs daily of cfb and cgb."
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- "Great product! So much better than ice baths!"
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- "I lost like 5lbs the 1st 2 weeks."
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- "you guys are freaking awesome!!! I lost a bunch of weight using the gut buster..."
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- "I have shrunk! -- Free replacements!"
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- "my blood glucose drops about 20 points after 30 to 60 minutes..."
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- "but have lost 100lbs since."
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- "Over the last 8 weeks I've lost 14 lbs!"
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- "calorie burning and workout recovery. Helps tremendously with sleep"
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- "I have lost 60 lbs (about 10 using the vest) since then."
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- "getting some good results -- free replacements!"
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- "20lbs were lost!"
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- "I miss mine!"
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- "I have lost quite a bit of weight"
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- "slept better than I have in a long time!"
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- "big step up from the last one i was using from another company."
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- "measure my progress for my fat lose and have a steady reduction since using the Cool Fat Burner."
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- "I've just lost so much weight..."
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- "It works. ...really helped me get through a plateau."
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- "been using the cool fat burner every day for the past two weeks and I love it! "
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- "I have been able to 10 chin ups! I credit my cool fat burner vest."
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- "helped me drop weight"
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- "I've lost 3" off my waist!"
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- "noticed changes in body composition already."
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- "Has worked really well.. so well in fact I need to get the next size down"
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- "I am sleeping extremely deep, this alone is for me a blessing."
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- "the subjects burned a lot of calories"
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- "fat loss possible without making my strength and muscle disappear."
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- "Excellence of this product! Definitely recommend!"
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- "I am ready for the next size down already."
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- ""Great product -- I recommend it all the time to friends!"
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- "already dropped about 4% within a few weeks"
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- "chronic inflammation issues my back and shoulder and it's really helping"
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- "the waistline is beginning to decrease"
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- The CFB is scientifically backed and published in peer-reviewed journals...
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- "In one month I loss 5 lbs and 1/2 inch waist and chest."
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- "this is great customer service!"
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- "I finally have something cold enough. Your packs are much better!"
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- "just finished medical school and I absolutely love the science behind this. It's genius."
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- "That's 174,000 calories burned, or around 49lbs"
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- "I lost about 35 pounds since I started using CFB and CGB a year ago"
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- "I also coolsculpted some stubborn fat on my lower abs."
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- "enhanced sleep, lost weight, and better blood glucose levels"
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- "lost weight, time for free smaller vests!"
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- "lost 20lbs, needs a smaller vest"
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- "weight loss, exercise recovery, rest and relaxation"
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- "weight loss means a free smaller vest!"
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- "again I say top notch customer service!"
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- "report an inch of my waste and hips"
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- "used by researcher on brown fat for PhD thesis"
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- "lost weight, needs smaller vest"
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- "the weight loss is just a cool benefit"
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- "preventing my metabolism from down-regulating during a cut"
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- "weight loss and free smaller vests"
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- "you went way above and beyond"
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- "love mine!"
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- "more weight loss means free replacement vests"
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- "I am now down 90lbs"
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- "lost 11lbs, needs a smaller vest"
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- "loving the product so far"
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- "I truly believe it has aided in my fat loss!"
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- "your product has helped me so much"
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