Military officer loses 9lbs in a month!
I was about to deploy overseas for a year, and for a 37 year old I was in semi-decent shape working out three times a week with kettlebells and running three to four miles with my wife several days a week. I was weighing in around 178lbs and was eating healthy. But training for my deployment required 8 weeks of traveling, classes, and staying in hotel-like accommodations which didn’t allow for proper meals or workouts. During that time I gained roughly 4lbs and began my year-long deployment weighing 182lbs.
My job consists of long hours (12-13 hour days through the week, 7-8 hour days on weekends), not to mention the daily 110F heat! I manage to find time in the evenings for 40 minutes of cardio, heavy kettlebell work, or free-weight routines 3 times a week. With discipline, I’ve managed to maintain a pretty healthy diet, not to mention lots of water. Still, I couldn’t get back to my pre-deployment weight… in fact, I wasn’t losing any weight. And then I discovered the Cool Fat Burner.
Though a little skeptical at first, I ordered the vest and began incorporating it into my evening routines before bed. I averaged between 40-50 minutes a night and began to see results in the FIRST WEEK! I was breaking through my plateau! Talk about an easy way to trim down!
I would come home after a stressful day, slap on the vest, and before I knew it I was relaxed in front of my computer letting the CFB do all the work. After about three weeks, I even noticed wearing the vest gave me a certain state of mind, to the point where I was able to cruise through some of my harder workouts by focusing the same way I do when wearing the CFB. It’s worked so well that fellow officers have ordered the CFB and are currently incorporating it into their own workout routines. If you work long hours, find yourself up against the clock to get in decent workouts, or just need a relaxing stress reliever, I highly recommend the CFB! Wearing the vest for four weeks has allowed me to drop from 182lbs to 173lbs!! That’s 9lbs in a month! That’s lower than where I was before I deployed!!! You can’t ask for an easier way to lose weight.