"We've had numerous fitness competitors use the Cool Fat Burner for passive calorie burning and to help prep for competition! The rest, relaxation, and recovery are just bonus benefits."

Several years ago, I was able to stay lean by spending three hours at the gym every day. After my wife and I had children, I no longer had such a flexible schedule. It has since been difficult maintaining a healthy weight. I tried regular diets, ketones, and I even tried installing a treadmill in my home office. None of these kept the weight off reliably. I spent a lot of time researching thermogenesis since I am highly skeptical when it comes to these kinds of claims. I am a paid researcher at a world-renowned college in my field where I analyze quantitative data. After six weeks of wearing the CFB and CGB for one hour each session, I lost 2" in the chest, 3" in the stomach, and 2" in my hips. This was without any drastic changes anywhere else in my lifestyle (diet, exercise, etc.). These products work as long as you are willing to incorporate them into your daily routine.

As a triathlete, it's easy to get caught up in a cycle of logging "junk miles" to burn calories. This can be tough on the body and joints. So this is one place where cold thermogenesis comes in handy: to allow me to burn calories and maintain racing weight without actually stressing my muscles, since I can do something like put on the Cool Fat Burner vest while I'm sitting at my desk. Of course, there are other benefits of cold thermogenesis, and some of the other reasons I do it include: increased pain tolerance, improved cardiovascular efficiency, and decreased inflammation. I use a combination of cold showers, cold water immersion, outdoor winter workouts and the Cool Fat Burner vest for my cold thermogenesis - and generally maintain 5-7% body fat, year round. Ben Greenfield -- NY Times bestselling author "Beyond Training" -- one of the "World’s top 100 most influential people in health" by Greatist -- 2008 America’s top personal trainer, voted by the National Strength & Conditioning Association

World champion Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu teacher and competitor Daniel Beliza uses the Cool Fat Burner to help recover from workouts, for rest and relaxation, and to achieve a better, deeper sleep. Daniel Beliza -- 20x IBJJF medalist 3x World Champion 2015 Adult Worlds Silver Medalist 4x Pan Ams Champion

"As a runner, triathlete, and endurance athlete I have to workout in all conditions and for long hours. I found myself ALWAYS cold and fatigued while training and found out I had adrenal fatigue and thyroid issues. This was tough on my body as it was dealing with this on top of the training. Enter the fat burning vest and gut buster. I didn't need to burn fat but I had heard that cold thermogenesis could help with metabolism, thyroid, and hormone regulation...exactly what I needed. I contacted Eric and began using the vest as both recovery for my body and joints and hormone/thyroid regulation without medications. While I don't have any scientific data to back me up, Eric does and I have found that the vest has helped me not only recover quicker from workouts but my thyroid numbers are back in normal range and I have not been fatigued during or after workouts. My inflammation seems to be down and as a bonus I can run and bike in temperatures others wouldn't dare without being uncomfortable."

Karl made no changes in diet or exercise, but the Cool Fat Burner helped him lose over 16lbs and over 7 inches off his waist in 8 weeks! This body transformation helped prepare Karl to climb Mt Kilimanjaro for charity to a children's hospital!

Couple loses massive amounts of fat WITHOUT exercise or counting calories!!! Kevin and Katie. He is a math professor, she is a nurse. Both were intrigued by the science of the Cool Fat Burner. He wore both the CFB and the CGB, she wore only the CFB. They did NO exercise and did not count calories. After 1 month, he lost 11lbs, she lost 5lbs!!!!

I've known about cold thermogenesis for years. In fact, I've spent well over a $2,000 trying out all sorts of different cold therapy technologies over that span of time. Unfortunately, that was all a complete waste of money--none of those products actually delivered anything beyond just barely noticeable, very subtle effects. You know, the kind of effects that are probably just placebo effects. So when I first stumbled across the Cool Fat Burner, I was skeptical and I wasn't particularly inclined to throw any more money down the drain. Plus, I had seen plenty of research showing only tiny effects from other cold therapy products out there. But despite my skepticism, I decided to give it a try. After my first session with the CFB, I knew this was the REAL DEAL. This was the cold thermogenesis product that everyone has been waiting for--something clinically proven to actually induce profound cold thermogenesis and induce all the metabolic benefits that go along with that--burning off massive amounts of calories, fat loss, energy enhancement, improved recovery, performance enhancement, improved thyroid hormones and all the other benefits that come with cold therapy. I love seeing the science to actually back up that this is the best product on the market. There's no more wondering if it's all just placebo effects--this thing creates powerful change, and it works fast. I use mine everyday, and I've noticed big improvements in my recovery time, exercise performance, and in my body composition. It's one of the best purchases I've ever made.
Ari Whitten -- #1 bestselling author of "Forever Fat Loss" and "The Low Carb Myth"

Hi Eric Just a note to say that I am so pleased with your products. I have the challenge of losing weight and getting in shape fast for a world championship in a Olympic sailboat dinghy called the "Laser." I am 55 years old and have started competitive dinghy sailing again after a break of 30 years. I am on my way to lose 55+ lbs in a short time (lost 44lbs so far) and I know that the Cool Fat Burner & Cool Gut Buster is an important reason I will reach my goals fast and without injuries. My internal furnace is burning more than ever before, my metabolism is amazing, all my muscles in my torso feels stronger and tighter. I am totally addicted to the sensation of wearing the Cool Fat Burner & Cool Gut Buster for 2 hours 3-4 times per week. In addition to the all great benefits I do feel on my body – the products also prepare me well to being on the water in wet and cold conditions.

My first experience with Cold Adaptation occurred during military survival training and though I felt stronger, leaner, and more capable, the ‘light bulb’ did not illuminate for me until years later. Now I use the CFB and CGB daily as cornerstones of my daily fitness routine.

I wanted to lose some unwanted body fat that I gained while focusing on strength training. I was looking for something that would work quickly and easily for me while not losing my strength. I saw a video for the vest, and that it could be used outside. This gave me the idea to walk with the vest on. In the past losing weight for me meant doing a lot of cardio and eating a small amount of food , with a resulting huge loss of strength, This time it was different. The cardio was simply walking with the vest on. I used the carb nite diet which is basically no carbs except for one meal a week. With the combination of my diet, the vest and the Wendler 531 program I dropped 30 pounds in 4 months. What I really liked was the fact that the cardio was non taxing and did not have a negative impact on my lifting. What was great was that I was able to increase my rep pr’s while losing weight. Walking outside with no coat, just a long sleeve shirt, hat and gloves in -10 to -25 degrees Celsius weather really did not feel very cold when wearing the vest. On other days when I was fasting and wearing the vest while relaxing watching tv it was nice to know I was burning fat while sitting there.

Nichelle: I used the CFB periodically when I saw the benefits my husband received, but my progress halted once I became pregnant with twins. During the nine months of carrying twins, I ballooned from 145lbs to 210lbs. The last month was the worst for weight gain and my skin stretched near to it’s limit. While my weight slowly went down after their delivery, I began using the CFB and CGB regularly around four months postpartum. Of course I have very little free time, especially for exercise, so I was amazed and excited how easy it was to strap on both vests and get my CT on without hindering my ability to care for two babies. Now I am eleven months after having babies and currently weigh in at 133lbs. My stretch marks are drastically reduced and the ripples in my skin from stretching have nearly disappeared. I have full expectations that the CFB and CGB will get me back to my flat, pre-pregnancy stomach!

"I’ve been using cold thermogenesis for a couple of years now after hearing about it’s benefits. When I saw the CFB I ordered right away, as the downside to my cold therapy before was making time to soak in a cold tub, something I couldn’t always manage. Wearing the CFB solves that problem, and now with the CGB as well it’s even more effective! I’ve experienced improved body composition, better cold tolerance, gains in strength and endurance, and decreased inflammation. I look forward to my ‘chill sessions’ because of how great they make me feel."

In Australia the hot weather lasts about 6 months, and it is difficult to stay cool enough to burn off excess fat, so I love my Cool Fat Burner. it gives me the freedom to move around and do things, watch TV, or play video games and still get the benefit of cold. Diets alone never really worked for me, no matter how much exercise I did, but adding cold made all the difference. I think the cold helped me lose weight and keep it off for the first time in my life. I can't wait to try it with the new CoolGut Buster. I think my husband might even give this one a go

"The competitors at Genesis Mixed Martial Arts use the Cool Fat Burner to help recover from workouts, rest and relaxation after tough training bouts, and help cut weight for competitions!"

I lost nearly 100lbs in the last three years. Mostly through diet and exercise, but keeping it off is another story. In an effort to combat the dreaded rebound that plagues so many dieters, I turned to cold induced thermogenesis to increase my resting metabolic rate. After reading about the amazing benefits of having ample stores of brown adipose tissue, I tried ice baths, cold air exposure, and spot icing. All of these work to some degree, but time, weather and equipment are the biggest hurdles. When I found the CoolFatBurner, it took all the guess work out of getting a good chill. Now I wear my CFB when jogging, running on the treadmill, lifting weights, or just sitting around watching TV. I have managed to keep my weight stable for several years and the CFB is making it even easier. Some might think they could copy the design and make their own, but the way the CFB is put together and the special freezer packs that fit into the built-in pockets make this a one-of-a-kind product. Truly a good investment!

Military officer loses 9lbs in a month! I was about to deploy overseas for a year, and for a 37 year old I was in semi-decent shape working out three times a week with kettlebells and running three to four miles with my wife several days a week. I was weighing in around 178lbs and was eating healthy. But training for my deployment required 8 weeks of traveling, classes, and staying in hotel-like accommodations which didn't allow for proper meals or workouts. During that time I gained roughly 4lbs and began my year-long deployment weighing 182lbs. My job consists of long hours (12-13 hour days through the week, 7-8 hour days on weekends), not to mention the daily 110F heat! I manage to find time in the evenings for 40 minutes of cardio, heavy kettlebell work, or free-weight routines 3 times a week. With discipline, I've managed to maintain a pretty healthy diet, not to mention lots of water. Still, I couldn't get back to my pre-deployment weight... in fact, I wasn't losing any weight. And then I discovered the Cool Fat Burner. Though a little skeptical at first, I ordered the vest and began incorporating it into my evening routines before bed. I averaged between 40-50 minutes a night and began to see results in the FIRST WEEK! I was breaking through my plateau! Talk about an easy way to trim down! I would come home after a stressful day, slap on the vest, and before I knew it I was relaxed in front of my computer letting the CFB do all the work. After about three weeks, I even noticed wearing the vest gave me a certain state of mind, to the point where I was able to cruise through some of my harder workouts by focusing the same way I do when wearing the CFB. It's worked so well that fellow officers have ordered the CFB and are currently incorporating it into their own workout routines. If you work long hours, find yourself up against the clock to get in decent workouts, or just need a relaxing stress reliever, I highly recommend the CFB! Wearing the vest for four weeks has allowed me to drop from 182lbs to 173lbs!! That's 9lbs in a month! That's lower than where I was before I deployed!!! You can't ask for an easier way to lose weight.

The Cool Fat Burner is great for athletes -- especially combat athletes and sports with weight-classes!!!
- Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu blackbelt
- submission grappling and martial arts for 20 years
- competes in international-level events
- instructor at several competition schools

Cool Fat Burner + diet + exercise = 18lbs lost in one month!!! 32 days with the Cool Fat Burner lost me 17.7 pounds! I went from 183.5lbs down to 165.8lbs! I am 49 years old, in pretty good shape, and have eaten pretty healthy for about the last 13 years. I eat good through the week, and eat whatever I want as cheat days on the weekends. I've monitored my weight almost daily for the last 3 years. When my weight started to increase without me altering my eating or exercise habits, I knew I had to change something. Around this time I heard about the Cool Fat Burner. I had actually already tried thermal loading when I read “The 4 Hour Body” and I liked the practice. But trying to keep an ice pack balanced on the back of my neck and having it get warm in about 20-25 minutes was too much hassle and I quit doing it. I decided to try the Cool Fat Burner. The CFB made cold therapy easy! It straps on quickly, easily and securely. It stays on, stays cold, and surprisingly was very relaxing to me. Plus it was reusable and cost me about the same as only a one month supply of supplements. Now, this is just my experience but all I did was wear the CFB for about 2 hours a night. I wore it when I was reading, playing video games with my son, watching TV, etc. That’s it! I didn’t change my diet. I didn’t monitor protein intake or count calories. I didn't change my total amount of exercise. I just put on the Cool Fat Burner and “chilled”. I weighed less after each of my cheat days and my weight loss during the week was much more stable. I believe this is due to my metabolism increasing. I didn’t do anything extra except wear the CFB. The weight loss was great because it was “freebie!” However my greatest pleasure came from positive “side effects” of the CFB use. From years of martial arts training the base of my neck and shoulders are often tight or at times even sore. After using the CFB I noticed this discomfort was gone. Above I mentioned that the CFB was very relaxing to me, well here is the clincher: I sleep much better after using the CFB. Now maybe it is because the CFB made me relaxed so my muscles were looser and I could sleep deeper, maybe there is some physical change that occurs with regular use, or maybe CFB use has increased my metabolism so I sleep better. I don’t know and frankly, I don’t care! This thing works wonders for me, doesn’t have a monthly cost, is all natural and requires no extra effort on my part. Win, win and win!

Man loses 12lbs in under a month without exercise!
I was in my late 30’s when I got kidney stones, and had to stop exercising. My diet got worse and everything just fell apart for me. I couldn't believe how much I seemed to age in a year's time just from weight gain. I also have 4 kids to take care of, and don’t have the time or the finances to make different meals for all of us. Altogether I stopped working out, stopped any smart dieting, and gained a lot of weight over the last year. I’d read about using cold to trick the body into burning fat, and saw about the Cool Fat Burner. Thought to myself, what do I have to lose? So I got one, and wore it 45 mins to an hour every night towards bedtime. That was it. Just put it on, and wore it while I watched tv and settled in for the evening. I knew it was working – I could feel it each morning when I woke up. After only three weeks, I’d lost over 12 pounds, of fat!!! I couldn't believe I was losing weight without doing any exercise or changing my eating habits. It was pretty amazing. I never felt anything like that before. This is a must for anyone needing help to burn off the fat. Especially if you happen to be hurt in some way. It dawned on me that I'm not alone. There are many people with back injuries, pulled muscles, having surgeries, or even kidney stones such as my case that may have to postpone their normal exercise routines until they are feeling better. Now there is an alternative for those of us that need just a little something to keep the pounds off while we heal. And the beauty of it is that even when you are able to return to normal exercise and diet it will supercharge the weight loss process. I've been telling a lot of my friends and family about it, since they ask me what I did. I'm going to keep on using it even when I reach my goal. I will keep you updated on my future progress. Thanks Cool Fat Burner...!
"I love the benefits I get from taking an ice bath but I don't always have time to make a bath and sit in it for 30-60 minutes. The Cool Fat Burner is SUPER convenient and allows me experience many of the same benefits with out taking up all my time. I can even get work done while I'm wearing it."

"Hey Eric and CFB team! Glad you guys are continuing all these efforts with great stride. Always been a big fan, been using the CFB on and off since July! I've seen many benefits ever since I got the CFB. Initially it was a strange new experience for me, but there have been countless great things since I started using it. I would say the greatest benefit is that it helps me BEAR THE COLD. Over the past few years through poor diet and habits, I have become very fatigued and sensitive to the cold. Everyone else around me was always normal inside or outside, while I was ice cold and always needed to crank up the thermostat. I see now that this practice has a deeper benefit. I know its working at a biological/cellular level because now I feel so much more impervious to the cold. I can walk around in way less layers than before and I dont feel frail and tired anymore. I used to set my room to 76-78 degrees F when I went to bed. Now I can gladly go to bed at 56-60 degree F, with only 1 thin comforter. Aside from that, it helps with my vasularity and general feeling of well being. It feels more like energy is being shuttled to my muscles and brain, as opposed to my gut. It feels like im training my body without even moving. Finally, I must commend the CFB team. Customer support is always superior, and it's great to hear personal feedback and recommendations to help venture into this new field. I truly appreciate all your help! Good luck,"

"I like the CFB not only because of the extra calorie burning, but because it helps me relax from evening workouts and go to sleep easier instead of being wired the rest of the night trying to sleep."

As an athlete, biomedical engineer, and fitness adviser, I’m always looking for ways to improve my body. With a growing body of research around cold thermogenesis, I wanted a way to passively burn fat that didn't require cold showers or ice baths. Cool Fat Burner was the answer. It’s the most convenient and effective way I've found to burn more calories without exercise, and now I recommend it to anyone looking for that extra bump in fat loss. (Note: I typically wear my Cool Fat Burner around the house before going to bed. The decrease in body temperature helps me fall asleep faster and have a more restful night!)

My experience with the CFB began in Feb 2014, by accident really. I had pushed my body thru injuries for years of competitive powerlifting and catch wrestling, but it had finally caught up with me at the end of 2013. I was experiencing numbness and tingling down my right shoulder and arm, all the way to my thumb, along with shoulder and neck pain. I had difficulty sleeping from the pain, very limited range of motion in my neck and couldn’t feel my hand most of the time. I had several xrays and nerve studies and the news wasn't great. Old neck trauma, shoulder separations, and bicep tendonitis were all contributing to the neuropathy and pain. I work in the medical/surgical field so I sought out several opinions from Neuro Surgeons and Orthopedic Surgeons. One of the recommendations I received was to reserve any Surgery as a last resort and look into Cryotherapy. I was provided with several articles and basically prescribed applying ice for 1-2 hour/day to key areas of damage. I looked online for something that would hold ice packs where I needed them and stay cold long enough. This search led me to the CFB vest. I purchased the vest with the hybrid packs and used it once or twice a day. Within 6 weeks, the neuropathy I had been experiencing was completely gone and my neck and shoulder mobility increased dramatically. I was able to combine the the icing regimen with specific exercise and the results have been amazing. Along the way, I noticed I was getting slightly leaner, even with no changes to my diet. This fueled my scientific mind and I dove head first into the data on Cold Thermogenesis. When I had completed my Masters of Science in Human Nutrition over 10 years ago, I had done research on Ghrelin and Leptin. But its amazing how far scince has come in that time. The recent data on Cold Thermogenesis has highlighted the existence of BAT in humans, as well as the potential roles of Adiponectin and Irisin. Not to mention the intriguing possibilities of cold induced fat cell apoptosis. Eric's personal experiments highlight the possibilities and I think he's just getting started. I feel that the CFB and CGB are truly amazing products! I definitely recommend the CFB for anyone suffering from neck and shoulder pain, its made a tremendous difference for me. I also think the CFB is the perfect tool for athletes looking to better recover from grueling workouts and reduce inflammation. I would also recommend both the CFB and CGB for anyone interested in pursuing the many benefits of Cold Thermogenesis, including fat loss.

"For most of my life I’ve been both overweight and insulin resistant and my hormone panels weren’t ideal either. After using the CFB however, my glucose has been a steady level of 4 mmol/L, I lost 3 kilos, I fall sleep within 5 minutes of hitting the sack and best of all my hormones have begun to stabilize for the first time in many years. It’s incredibly easy to use for CT, I wear mine while playing video games, watching movies, reading and drawing. I’ve now come to enjoy the cool feeling on my skin after a session and I highly recommend the CFB for people looking for an effective bio-hacking tool."

"Junior is a lifelong competitive athlete who uses the Cool Fat Burner to help recover from workouts, boost metabolism and increase fat burning and cut weight for competition, and help enhance rest, relaxation, and sleep."

"I've been in better than average physical condition most of my adult life. After using the CFB for just a month I noticed measurable gains in lean muscle mass and overall strength (aka. max lifts). The CFB works great to help with post workout muscle recovery. I really enjoy the therapeutic/relaxing aspect of using the CFB after a strenuous workout or stressful day at work."

"Cold adaptation has never been easier, and as busy parents of four little kids, this is a major benefit. We love being able to do laundry, make dinner, clean the house, and play with our kids, all while reaping the benefits of cold thermogenesis. We had been trying to get into our cold swimming pool, but when you have twin babies, this isn't always the most convenient thing to do. With the Cool Fat Burner, we can spend an hour or two each day thermal loading and still get things done around the house. We're sold on the many advantages of cold thermogenesis and think The Cool Fat Burner is the easiest way to go!"