The Cool Gut Buster can reproduce the temperatures used in the original “Fat Freezing” cryolipolysis trials. This means the Cool Gut Buster can potentially allow one to spot-reduce stomach fat! Do it yourself fat freezing at home!
WARNING: neither the Cool Fat Burner nor Cool Gut Buster are endorsed nor recommended for usage for inducing spot reduction, apoptosis, fat freezing, or trying to induce the “coolsculpting” effect. Trying to induce fat freezing with our packs and vests may cause cryoburn or other problems. Any information we provide is solely for educational purposes. Anyone who chooses to use our vests in this manner do so at their own risk and responsibility. The Cool Fat Burner LLC will not assume responsibility for anyone who chooses to use our vests and/or packs in ways not endorsed by our company.
Coolsculpting is the trademarked term (Zeltic) for “cryolipolysis,” or fat freezing and spot reducing of stomach fat.
The Cool Gut Buster has been shown able to replicate the temperatures necessary to freeze stomach fat, just like the cosmetic procedure. This will soon be confirmed again, this time on a larger scale university group experiment.
Spot reducing stomach fat. There is no “natural” way to do this; neither diet nor exercise spot reduce fat. When you do sit-ups, you do not burn more fat from your stomach, than from anywhere else (unless that’s the last place you have fat left, so it has to come from there).
The human body burns calories — fat, glycogen, blood glucose, whatever — based on several factors. Higher intensity activity tends to burn calories from glycogen stored in the muscles (and liver) while lower intensity exercise tends to burn stored fat. At the end of the day, all that really matters (in regards to absolute fat loss numbers) is how many total calories did you burn vs how many did you ingest? (Yes other factors may also apply: hormonal environment, did you build or break down muscle, psychological factors, etc., all of which can factor in fat burning and weight loss over time, but is beyond the scope of this particular discussion.)
So regardless of how many total calories you’ve burned in a given time and by whatever means… you cannot control where you lose fat. The only ‘reliable’ way until now, was with cosmetic procedures and plastic surgery techniques, such as liposuction.
History of cryolipolysis:
It was observed that condition known as “popsicle panniculitis” occurs when children eat popsicles and the cold causes a “panniculitis” in the fat of their cheeks. Panniculitis is an inflammation… which ultimately causes “apoptosis” of those fat cells. They are reabsorbed by the body, never to return. Even as adults these children may still have dimples where they permanently lost that fat.
This prompted researchers to theorize that one could intentionally use cold to induce apoptosis of stomach fat to produce the same results; spot reduce that fat and remove it from the body, similar to the children’s cheeks.
Note that with diet and exercise, when you burn fat, you’re usually “emptying” fat cells; they drain and shrink, but you keep the same number of fat cells. But when fat undergoes apoptosis, those fat cells are permanently removed from the body.
So cold thermogenesis and cold-induced apoptosis — spot reduction — should both shrink and remove fat cells. Of course, the superior strategy would be to combine all methods; diet, exercise, cold thermogenesis, and occasional apoptosis, as a means to minimize and even remove fat.
Red spots on cheeks show panniculitis inflammation. The fat on those areas will be reabsorbed via apoptosis.
After experimenting on pigs and then on humans, it was discovered that bringing the skin temperature to above 32°F, but below 41°F, for around 1 hour,
could induce apoptosis of the underlying subcutaneous fat. This was the “magic” range for spot reduction of fat, and the process was named “cryogenic lipolysis.”
Disclaimer: the following information is for educational and entertainment purposes only. The Cool Gut Buster is not endorsed nor recommended to be used for fat freezing, spot reduction, or trying to induce the “coolsculpting” effect. Anyone who chooses to use our vests in this manner do so at their own risk and responsibility. Never wear the Cool Gut Buster against bare skin! Always have layers of clothes underneath.
Using an infrared thermometer, we can see the effects of wearing the Cool Gut Buster against bare skin, over a 1.5 hour session in a 60°F room.
The Cool Gut Buster can in fact re-create the same conditions necessary to induce subcutaneous fat cell apoptosis, and induce spot reduction of stomach fat!!!
Keep in mind, spot reduction is not about overall, whole-body fat burning and weight loss. Spot reduction should be viewed as “fine tuning,” to be applied once you’re approaching your target physique.
Spot reduction via apoptosis will only occur a few millimeters at a time (below the skin), and can takes weeks for those dead fat cells to fully reabsorb. In the grand scheme of things, this is a minimal change if one is obese. So for those obese, the goal should be general cold thermogenesis (of course along w/ dietary changes and increasing NEAT and light exercise) to create overall, whole-body weight loss. The intentional goal of spot reduction should be reserved for those nearly at their end-goal physique. But a reminder — we do not endorse the Cool Fat Burner or Cool Gut Buster to spot reduce fat. This experiment was done solely for theoretical and educational purposes. Attempting to spot reduce fat using cold packs may cause cryoburn or other issues. Anyone who attempts to use our system for spot reduction does so at their own risk and responsibility. |